We protect and restore the Hempstead Plains.

What We Do

Preserve Management

Hempstead Plains Preserve - This critically important 19-acre preserve contains the largest remaining area of Hempstead Plains prairie in the world. It is home to numerous rare and threatened species. Visit the preserve and walk the trails to experience the Hempstead Plains firsthand.

Francis T. Purcell Preserve - This 66-acre preserve contains multiple habitat areas including grasslands. Our restoration work at the preserve will expand the native prairie of the Hempstead Plains.

Restoration & Stewardship

Prairie Restoration - Our restoration work includes controlled burns, native plantings, and invasive weed removal. We restore lost grassland areas back to native prairie. We also improve the quality of existing prairie.

Volunteer Outreach - We are building community support for the conservation of the Hempstead Plains. This includes inspiring and organizing a base of dedicated volunteers for the Hempstead Plains. Interested in volunteering? Sign up today!

Education & Science

Environmental Education - Our education program brings local schools onto the Hempstead Plains Preserve to learn environmental science in a living laboratory setting. Are you a science educator? Contact us about bringing your class to the Hempstead Plains

Ecological Science - We collect and analyze key scientific data - often in collaboration with local colleges - that informs our work managing and restoring the Hempstead Plains.

Support our Work!

Help us protect and restore the Hempstead Plains.